60 Minute Massage:
At Renew and Align Body Therapies there is no distinction made on the technique used and the cost of the massage. The therapy styles are integrated to help the client reach their goals. This may be as simple as stress relief and relaxation or as intense as body alignment correction and pain relief.
90 Minute Massage: Get a little extra time on the table and make sure all your problem areas get addressed. This is an excellent option for the active client or the client with a several areas of concern.
90 Minute Massage: Get a little extra time on the table and make sure all your problem areas get addressed. This is an excellent option for the active client or the client with a several areas of concern.
TMJD Treatment:
Tempro mandibular joint dysfunction is a very common condition causing pain in the jaw generally felt more acutely on chewing. This condition can cause headaches, jaw pain, and neck stiffness. It is also very treatable! Laura specialized in this technique while at ASHA and has had great success helping people to relieve their jaw pain. This treatment can also be a great help to anyone who is expected to or is currently receiving corrective dental work of any kind.